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Design Project

This was my Senior Design 2 capstone project. In this class we were given a semester to work with a group to design a product for a client. Our client was another professor on campus, and he wanted my group and I to create an EKG machine that would hook up to a normal computer on campus. I worked with 6 others: Zachary Sanger, Milton Fernandez, Ryan LaRocque, Ricky Zellmer, Emmanuel Essam, Patrick Pochant, and Robert Posch in order to complete this task.

On the first and second slide there is a picture of our circuit that takes the electrical signals from the electrodes and sends them to the computer. These electrodes are placed on my chest and measure the electrical activity of my heart. The third slide is a picture of the computer plotting the electrical activity, and the last slide is a picture showing everything working together.

My main focus in this project was working on signal integrity and transmitting the data wirelessly to another device. My main takeaway from this project is how important it is to have a high enough refresh rate on the transmitter and receiver in order to maintain signal integrity.




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